Our garden consists of approximately 140 square feet of fertile soil. This is where our produce sets their roots for both our CSA shares, as well as local grocery stores. In season, one can find Mended Kettle Produce at Sioux Falls HyVee’s, Pomegranate Market and The Co=op.
Our grow room is where we plant, grow, and harvest our health giants - our microgreens. With a weekly average capacity of 108 germinating flats, one may feel like they have ventured into a jungle. Being our grow room, we strive to advance the utmost conditions for our edible seedlings to thrive, promoting appropriate temperature, airflow, and sanitation. This prime location is also where our plant-starts establish roots prior to transplanting in the spring.
In 2023, we had the opportunity to build our first high tunnel. In our first season of growing in a protected area, Mended Kettle Farm grew over 90 heirloom tomato plants and 50 pepper plants. We look forward to witnessing how this gift will help transform the future of our farm through succession planting, season extension, and educational resources.