Growing up in Sioux Falls the idea of being a urban farmer never really occurred to Abbey. As her passion for the garden grew, so did her dreams for Mended Kettle. When Abbey is not working on the farm, she is often found one of three places; cheering on the SDSU Jackrabbits, delivering babies as a L&D Nurse, or loving on her three amazing children.
Born and raised in NW Iowa, Seth shares fond memories of working on his grandfather's farm. An industrial tech teacher by trade, Seth loves working with his hands. From woodworking, to welding, to cad designing, its easy to say Seth is our handy man. He puts his entire heart into everything he does and has high goals to influence others about sustainable, Christ-centered living.
Ezra is the farm's right hand man. Between being our #1 harvester and the ladies, our chickens, personal body guard, there is not much this big guy cannot handle.
Miss Greta Char is our blooming butterfly. From being the families dancing queen and singing star, to expert waterier extraordinaire, this little lady is no doubt living her best life.
Named after the brightest flower in our family, Clarkee definitely has some big boots to fill. When not helping unnecessarily prune, Clarkee enjoys following in her sibling's shadows, and eating anything she can get her hands on.
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
— Audrey Hepburn